Our Research

Open Database

The Linkable Open Data Environment (LODE) is an exploratory initiative that aims at enhancing the use and harmonization of open micro data primarily from municipal, provincial and federal sources.

The results are a collection of datasets released under a single open data license (Open Government Licence - Canada), as well as open source tools used to process the data, and collaborations in an open space.

Built upon the LODE, I have compiled the provincial into countrywide data, and added FSA (first 3 digits of postal code) column using geospatial join, I have also added indicator to distinguish between condos and other type of structures.

The complete open address dataset is approximately 1.8G, so download when you are connected to WIFI ;)


Machine Learning in Insurance

​• Geo_LLM: Address parsing using NER (Named Entity Recognition) and address correction using LLM.

Geo LLM Read More

Software Development and Automation

Utility Management Tool Provides you with the following solution:
​• ResQ one-stop Automation Solution
​• Task Scheduler
​• Excel Batch Processing

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